The journey of becoming a U.S. student-athlete looks completely different from one athlete to the next. This process is not linear, which is why finding information about when you need to do, why these things need to happen, and one of our most frequently asked questions: when does this need to happen?

The ‘recruiting timeline’ is going to look very different for everyone, as it is never too late or too early to get started in this process. This process can happen in different orders and at different times for everyone, however, there are ways that you can prepare and optimise your opportunity as a potential student-athlete.

This is why we have outlined a ‘preparation timeline’ to give you an idea of what needs to happen over the years, and at what stage.

Year 9 & 10

  • Take the right classes that will help you meet the eligibility requirements
  • Understand the importance of your grades from the beginning!
  • Establish the sport you want to focus on (but still continue with other sports!)
  • Begin thinking about how you can enhance your ‘involvement’ and ‘development’

Year 11

  • Starting to think about this opportunity more seriously
  • Have the first consultation with KAA to set academic and athletic goals
  • Continue taking appropriate classes that will help meet the eligibility
  • requirements
  • Create academic goals to help achieve the highest ‘GPA’ possible
    • Aim for a level or subject endorsements at the end of the year
  • Begin thinking about university options for study
  • Involvement in regional-level competition in your chosen sport
  • Start collecting film for your highlight video

Year 12

  • Commit to this process fully!
    • Sign with KAA
  • Continue taking appropriate classes that will help meet the eligibility requirements
  • Create academic goals to help achieve the highest ‘GPA’ possible
    • Aim for level or subject endorsements at the end of the year
  • Continue your sporting involvement at the highest level possible
    • Highest school team, regional representative, training academies, etc.
  • Create your first highlight video and gather academic information to begin coach communication

Year 13

  • Complete class choices that are appropriate for the eligibility centre
  • Begin completing the NCAA tasks on the eligibility centre website
  • Finish strong academically, hitting your goals that have been set
  • Sit the SAT exam
  • Continue your sporting involvement at the highest level possible
  • Maintain relationships with coaches, updating them with positive results throughout the year
  • Enjoy the process! KAA drives the recruiting process, focusing on the finer details, while you focus on your athletic and academic growth.

What now?

Becoming a U.S. scholarship athlete is something that needs to be thought about early on in your high school years due to the requirements and rules which need to be met.

We hope that this preparation timeline has given you the knowledge and confidence to prepare and plan. If you are still looking for more guidance, help setting specific academic or athletic goals, or simply want more information about this process, KAA is always here to help!

Get in touch with us to organise your 1-hour free consultation!